007: Working in your Creative & Financial Sweet Spot (Episode 3 in the 4-Part "Time & Income" Series)

Season #1

**Episode 3 of 4 in the Time & Income Series. To listen to Episode 1 in the series, go here. To listen to Episode 2 in the series, go here.**

Every creative entrepreneur has horror stories of nightmare project, plus rainbow and unicorn stories of once-in-a-lifetime dream projects, plus the whole spectrum in between those two extremes. But that’s what it means to be a creative, right? What if I were to tell you that your creative life doesn’t have to be spent vacillating between the amazing and the awful, and instead can be focused on just the amazing? Would that change things for you? Today’s episode is all about that: how to spend your creative life working on projects that you find creatively fulfilling and that pay you your absolute best rates. That’s what I call your creative and financial sweet spot, and today’s episode is all about helping you live in that sweet spot in your work.

In this episode, you will learn 

  • How to define what makes a project creatively fulfilling for you, and why it matters.
  • How to define what makes a project financially fulfilling for you, and why it matters.
  • How to complete an Eisenhower Matrix exercise to determine where your individual "creative and financial sweet spot" lies.
  • What do to with the various types of projects that don't fall into your sweet spot.
  • How to structure your marketing and networking activities so that you bring more "creative and financial sweet spot" projects your way.

This is the third episode in the 4-part Time & Income Series. You can listen to episode 1 in the series here, and you can listen to episode 2 in the series here. The fourth and final episode in the series will be released next Tuesday, December 20, 2022. 

A full transcript of this episode can be found hereFull transcripts of every episode will always be available at the Starving Artist No More Blog.

Thank you for listening. Please feel free to reach out to me at www.StarvingArtistNoMore.com, with any questions, comments, or feedback. I'd love to hear from you.