Starving Artist No More Blog

Starving Artist No More | Jennifer Jill Araya
010: What You Need From Your Business
010: What You Need From Your Business abundance creative and financial sweet spot creatively fulfilling entrepreneurship financially fulfilling personally fulfilling Jan 03, 2023

What do you need from your business? What does it mean to have a creative business that gives you what you need to grow and thrive as an artist? If you’ve listened to this podcast before,...

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Starving Artist No More | Jennifer Jill Araya
005: The Time & Income Connection (Episode 1 in the 4-Part "Time & Income" Series)
005: The Time & Income Connection (Episode 1 in the 4-Part "Time & Income" Series) asynchronous income creative and financial sweet spot creatively fulfilling financially fulfilling income pay yourself first time time & income Nov 29, 2022

If you are a creative entrepreneur, your time is the product you are selling. Automating, systematizing, outsourcing, and hiring will only get you so far. When someone hires me to play a concert,...

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